Assessments Assessments


Within any empowerment or self-development endeavor, feedback plays a critical role. Feedback serves to help identify knowledge gaps and areas to improve, and can also provide motivation to continue learning.


The LEAP framework for success includes a suite of assessments designed to do exactly that: 



Assesses perceptions of personal, interpersonal, organizational and motivational mastery across an entire organization.

LEAP Profile

LEAP Profile

Assesses an individual’s perceptions of their own level of personal, interpersonal, organizational and motivational agility.

LEAP 360

LEAP 360

360 Degree Feedback assessment of leaders to provide feedback from others in the organization.

LEAP assessments are central to helping participants reap the full benefit of the program and achieve their full potential as leaders.

See how LEAP can help your group with motivation to achieve success.

let’s go

take the free assessment